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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
289. بسم15 290. بسمل10 291. بسن11 292. بش4 293. بشر19 294. بشع14295. بشق11 296. بشم14 297. بشنين1 298. بص4 299. بصر24 300. بصط5 301. بصع10 302. بصق12 303. بصل14 304. بصم9 305. بصن5 306. بض3 307. بضع21 308. بط4 309. بطأ11 310. بطح18 311. بطخ13 312. بطر15 313. بطرق11 314. بطرك5 315. بطش17 316. بطق9 317. بطل16 318. بطم10 319. بطن18 320. بطو2 321. بظر17 322. بعث17 323. بعثر15 324. بعج14 325. بعد21 326. بعر16 327. بعض17 328. بعق13 329. بعل21 330. بغت16 331. بغث17 332. بغش10 333. بغض15 334. بغل16 335. بغم10 336. بغو5 337. بغى6 338. بق3 339. بقر19 340. بقس3 341. بقش3 342. بقع17 343. بقل16 344. بقم9 345. بقو4 346. بقى7 347. بكأ11 348. بكت13 349. بكر18 350. بكم16 351. بكى6 352. بل9 353. بلج14 354. بلح15 355. بلد18 356. بلز6 357. بلس17 358. بلسان2 359. بلط18 360. بلع15 361. بلعم12 362. بلغ18 363. بلغم10 364. بلق13 365. بلقع11 366. بلن6 367. بله18 368. بلو9 369. بلور4 370. بلى6 371. بم3 372. بن6 373. بنج10 374. بند12 375. بندر6 376. بندق12 377. بنصر5 378. بنفسج4 379. بنق12 380. بنم4 381. بنو4 382. بنى9 383. بهأ10 384. بهت20 385. بهج17 386. بهر20 387. بهرج14 388. بهظ11 Prev. 100




1 بَشِعَ, aor. ـَ (K, TA,) inf. n. بَشَاعَةٌ (S, K) and بَشَعٌ, (K,) said of a thing, (S,) or of food, (K, TA,) It was, or became, disagreeable in taste, and choking: (S:) or disagreeable, or unpleasant, having in it dryness and bitterness. (K, TA.) b2: بَشِعَ الرَّجُلُ, (K, * TA,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. بَشَعٌ (S, K) and بَشَاعَةٌ, (K,) The man was, or became, disagreeable in the odour of the mouth, (S, * K,) from eating food disagreeable in taste, and choking; (S;) not removing the remains of food from between his teeth, nor cleaning them with the tooth-stick. (K.) You say, بَشِعَ مِنْهُ [He was, or became, disagreeable in the odour of the mouth from it]; meaning, from eating food such as is described above. (S.) [Or this phrase in the S may have another meaning, which see in what follows.] b3: And [hence,] (tropical:) The man was, or became, evil in his disposition, and in his social intercourse. (Msb.) You say also, فِى خُلُقِهِ بَشَاعَةٌ (tropical:) In his disposition is evilness. (TA.) b4: بَشَعٌ also signifies, in relation to wood, (tropical:) The abounding in knots. (TA.) b5: Also The fauces' being straitened, or choked, by coarse, or rough, food.(TA.) [And بَشِعَ مِنْهُ means He experienced a straitened state, or choking, of the fauces from it; namely coarse, or rough, food; or food disagreeable in taste, and choking: see 4: and see another meaning of this phrase above.] b6: And [hence,] بَشِعَ [or بَشِعَ بِالمَآءِ,] aor. ـَ (tropical:) It (a valley) was, or became, choked, surcharged, or overfilled, with the water. (K.) And بَشِعَ بِالنَّاسِ (tropical:) It [a place] was, or became, choked, or overfilled, with men, or the people. (Z, TA.) b7: [Hence also,] بَشِعَ بِالأَمْرِ, (K,) inf. n. بَشَعٌ and بَشَاعَةٌ, (TA,) (tropical:) He was unable to do, or accomplish, the thing, or affair. (K, TA.) A2: بَشِعَ بِالشَّىْءِ, and بَشَعَ بِهِ, inf. n.بَشْعٌ, He seized the thing in a violent and an abominable manner. (L,TA.) 4 أَبْشَعَنِى الطَّعَامُ The food caused me to experience a straitened state, or choking, of the fauces, (حَمَلَنِى عَلَى البَشَعِ,) by reason of its coarseness, or roughness. (IAar.) [See 1.]10 استشعهُ i. q. عَدَّهُ بَشِعًا [He reckoned it disagreeable in taste, and choking; or disagreeable, or unpleasant, as having in it dryness and bitterness]; (S, Msb, K;) namely, a thing. (S.) b2: And [hence,] استبشع المُقَامَ فِى مَحَلِّ كَذَا He reckoned unpleasant, or uncomfortable, the remaining in such a place of abode; syn.اِسْتَخْشَنَهُ. (TA.) A2: اِسْتِبْشَاعٌ also signifies The being bad, unpleasant, or disapproved. (KL.) بَشِعٌ A thing disagreeable in taste, and choking; or ↓ بَشِيعٌ has this signification : (so accord. to different copies of the S:) or both, applied to food, have the same signification: (TA:) or the former signifies also disagreeable, or unpleasant, food, having in it dryness and bitterness; (Lth, Z, K;) like the taste of the myrobalan: (TA:) or food rough, or coarse, and disagreeable in taste: or dry food, in which is no seasoning, or condiment: (TA:) or rough, or coarse; applied to food; (Nh;) and so (tropical:) applied to clothing; (IAar, Nh;) and (tropical:) to speech, or language; (Nh;) and ↓ بَشِيعٌ applied to speech, or language, signifies (tropical:) rough, or coarse, and disagreeable. (IAar.) b2: Applied to a man, (S TA,) as is also ↓ بَشِيعٌ, in the same sense, (TA, [but in what sense is not there said,]) it signifies, Disagreeable in the odour of the mouth, (Msb,ast; K,) who does not remove the remains of food from between his teeth, nor clean them with the tooth-stick; (K;) fem. with ة: (TA:) and one who has eaten a thing such as is thus termed, (S K TA,) and not swallowed it easily, (TA,) and has become disagreeable in the odour of the mouth from it, or has experienced a straitened state, or choking, of the fauces from it. (S, TA: [the last words of the explanation being فَبَشِعَ مِنْهُ]) b3: Also (tropical:) One whose soul is heavy, or heaving, or agitated by a tendency to vomit. (ISh, K, TA.)b4: And (tropical:) Evil in disposition, (K, TA,) and in social intercourse. (TA.) You say also, هُوَ بَشِعَ الخُلُقِ (tropical:) He is evil in disposition. (TA.) b5: Also, (K, TA,) or بَشِعُ المَنْظَرِ, (Msb,) (tropical:) Foul, or ugly, in aspect; (Msb; K) not pleasing to the eyes. (TA.) b6: Also, (K,) or بَشِعُ الوَجْهِ, (ISh, Msb,) (tropical:) Having a frowning, a contracted, a stern, an austere, or a morose, countenance. (ISh, Msb, K.) b7: خَشَبَةٌ بَشِعَةٌ (tropical:) A piece of wood abounding in knots. (K, TA.) بَشِيعٌ: see بَشِعٌ, in three places.
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