Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4192. ميل20 4193. ن7 4194. نأ1 4195. نأت5 4196. نأث5 4197. نأج94198. نأد6 4199. نأدل4 4200. نأش8 4201. نئف2 4202. نام1 4203. ناى1 4204. نب5 4205. نبأ16 4206. نبت17 4207. نبث13 4208. نبج11 4209. نبح16 4210. نبخ10 4211. نبذ19 4212. نبر15 4213. نبز15 4214. نبش13 4215. نبض14 4216. نبط20 4217. نبع19 4218. نبق14 4219. نبل18 4220. نبه14 4221. نبهرج3 4222. نبى2 4223. نبيق1 4224. نت2 4225. نتأ11 4226. نتب6 4227. نتج16 4228. نتح10 4229. نتخ10 4230. نتر14 4231. نتش14 4232. نتع8 4233. نتن13 4234. نث5 4235. نثت4 4236. نثر19 4237. نثل14 4238. نثى1 4239. نج3 4240. نجأ9 4241. نجب16 4242. نجث11 4243. نجح15 4244. نجد20 4245. نجذ13 4246. نجر17 4247. نجز17 4248. نجس17 4249. نجش17 4250. نجص1 4251. نجع17 4252. نجف14 4253. نجل17 4254. نجم20 4255. نجو10 4256. نح3 4257. نحب19 4258. نحث4 4259. نحر19 4260. نحز12 4261. نحس21 4262. نحف15 4263. نحل17 4264. نحم14 4265. نحو9 4266. نخ4 4267. نخب14 4268. نخت7 4269. نخج8 4270. نخر19 4271. نخرب8 4272. نخس14 4273. نخع15 4274. نخف7 4275. نخل15 4276. نخو9 4277. ند4 4278. ندأ8 4279. ندب16 4280. ندح19 4281. ندر16 4282. ندس14 4283. ندف13 4284. ندل14 4285. ندم18 4286. ندى3 4287. نذر19 4288. نذل14 4289. نرب8 4290. نرج8 4291. نرجس11 Prev. 100




أج1 نَأَجَ فِى الأَرْضِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نُؤُوجٌ, He went, went away, departed, or set forth journeying, through the land, or earth. (S, K.) b2: نَأَجَ الخَبَرُ The news, tidings, or information, went, or went away, through the land. (T.) b3: نَأَجَتِ الرِّيحُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. نَئِيجٌ, The wind became in a state of commotion: blew with a swift course, and with a sound. (S, K.) b4: نَأَجَتِ الرِّيحُ المَوْضِعَ The wind passed swiftly over the place. (TA.) b5: نُئِجَ القَوْمُ (like عُنِىَ [pass. in form but neut. in signification] TA) The people experienced, or suffered, a swift and sounding wind. (S, K.) [See an ex. voce مَنْأَجٌ.] b6: نَأَجَتِ الإِبِلُ فِى سَيْرِهَا [The camels were swift in their pace]. (TA.) b7: نَأَجَتِ الرَّائِحَةُ i. q. عَجَّت, [app., The odour diffused itself strongly or powerfully]. (TA.) A2: نَأَجَ, (aor.

نَاَ^َ, inf. n. نَأْجٌ, TA,) It (an owl) uttered a moaning cry; or hooted; syn. نَأَمَ: (K:) and in like manner a man. (TA.) b2: نَأَجَ, (aor.

نَاَ^َ and نَاِ^َ, inf. n. نَأْجٌ and نُؤَاجٌ, TA,) He (a bull) lowed. (K.) b3: نَأَجَ إِلَى اللّٰهِ, (aor.

نَاَ^َ, TA,) He humbled, or abased, himself, with earnestness, in supplication, to God. (S, K.) A3: نَئِجَ He ate weakly, or feebly. (K.) رِيحٌ نَؤُوجٌ Wind in a state of commotion: (S, K:) swift in its course, and making a sound: pl. نَوَائِجُ. (TA.) نَأّجٌ Quick; swift. (TA.) b2: النَّأّجُ The lion: (K:) so called because of his quick leaping, or springing. (TA.) A2: نَأّجٌ A bull that lows much. (TA.) b2: A man having a high voice. (TA.) نَائِجَاتٌ [Birds of the kind called] هَام uttering cries. (S, L, K.) [In the CK, for هام is put هَوَامّ. See an ex. voce مَنْأَجٌ.] b2: Also, Winds blowing violently: (TA:) pl. نَوَائِجُ. (A.) أُدْعُ رَبَّكَ بِأَنْأَجِ مَا تَقْدِرُ عَلَيْهِ Supplicate thy Lord with the utmost humility, or abasement, and earnestness, of which thou art capable. (TA, from a trad.) مَنْأَجٌ [A place where a wind blows with a swift course and with a sound]. Ex.

وَتُنْأَجُ الرُّكْبَانُ كُلَّ مَنْأَجِ بِهِ نَئِيجُ كُلِّ رِيحٍ سَيْهَجِ (S.) b2: [A place where birds of the kind called هَام utter their cries]. Ex.

مَنْأَجَا ↓ وَاتَّخَذَتْهُ النَّائِجَاتُ (TA [but quoted in the S as an ex. of منأج in the former sense].) حَدِيثٌ مَنْؤُوجٌ i. q. مَعْطُوفٌ [app. A distorted story]: (K:) so explained by ISk, as occurring in the following verse: قَدْ عَلِمَ الأَحْمَآءُ وَالأَزَاوِيجْ

أَنْ لَيْسَ عَنْهُنَّ حَدِيثٌ مَنْؤُوجْ (TA.)
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