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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3663. كشح16 3664. كشر15 3665. كشط18 3666. كشف19 3667. كشك10 3668. كظ53669. كظب6 3670. كظر11 3671. كظم19 3672. كعب17 3673. كعبر7 3674. كعت11 3675. كعثب6 3676. كعدب7 3677. كعسب4 3678. كعك8 3679. كعكب2 3680. كعل8 3681. كعم14 3682. كعنب5 3683. كغد6 3684. كغذ3 3685. كف7 3686. كفأ18 3687. كفت16 3688. كفح13 3689. كفر25 3690. كفل22 3691. كفن16 3692. كفهر8 3693. كفى6 3694. ككب5 3695. ككنج1 3696. كل8 3697. كلأ16 3698. كلب20 3699. كلبث5 3700. كلت8 3701. كلتب4 3702. كلث3 3703. كلثب3 3704. كلج7 3705. كلح15 3706. كلحب4 3707. كلد10 3708. كلس12 3709. كلف20 3710. كلم16 3711. كلو5 3712. كم12 3713. كمأ13 3714. كمت15 3715. كمثر9 3716. كمح10 3717. كمخ12 3718. كمد16 3719. كمر12 3720. كمس11 3721. كمش14 3722. كمل18 3723. كمن16 3724. كمه15 3725. كمى4 3726. كن6 3727. كنب14 3728. كنبت5 3729. كنبث5 3730. كنت9 3731. كنتب3 3732. كنث5 3733. كنثب3 3734. كنخب3 3735. كند15 3736. كندث3 3737. كندر5 3738. كنز21 3739. كنس22 3740. كنعت3 3741. كنعث3 3742. كنعد6 3743. كنف20 3744. كنفث3 3745. كنه15 3746. كنى6 3747. كهب10 3748. كهد8 3749. كهدب3 3750. كهر14 3751. كهرب6 3752. كهكب3 3753. كهل18 3754. كهن18 3755. كو1 3756. كوأ3 3757. كوب17 3758. كوت5 3759. كوث9 3760. كوح9 3761. كوخ9 3762. كود12 Prev. 100




1 كَظَّهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. كَظٌّ, (S,) It (food, S, K, and in like manner drink, TA) affected him with كِظَّة, q. v.; (S,) filled him so that he could not breathe: (K:) filled him, and made him heavy. (TA.) b2: He, or it, made him sad, or sorrowful, by reason of much eating; inf. n. كَظَّةٌ. (Lth.) b3: He filled it (namely a skin for water or milk) so as to make it stretch. (TA.) b4: [And hence, app.,] He made it (namely a rope) firm, or fast. (Ibn-'Abbád.) b5: كَظَّ الغَيْظُ صَدْرَهُ [in the TA كَظَّه, which is evidently a mistranscription,] (assumed tropical:) Wrath, or rage, filled his bosom: and الغَيْظُ ↓ إِكْتَظَّهُ signifies the same as كَظَّهُ (assumed tropical:) [wrath, or rage, filled him]. (TA.) b6: كَظَّهُ الأَمْرُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ inf. n. كَظٌّ (TA) and كَظَاظٌ and كَظَاظَةٌ, (K,) (tropical:) The affair, or case, oppressed him with grief; (S, K, TA;) distressed him; (K, TA;) filled him with grief, or disquietude, or anxiety, and burdened him. (TA.) b7: كَظَّ خَصْمَهُ (assumed tropical:) He bridled his adversary so that he found no way of escape. (TA.) A2: See also 8.3 كَاظَّ القَوْمُ بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا, inf. n. مُكَاظَّةٌ and كِظَاظٌ, (assumed tropical:) The people, or company of men, straitened one another, or crowded together, and clave together, in the place of fight, in war; as also ↓ تكاظّوا. (TA.) كِظَاظٌ signifies [likewise] (assumed tropical:) Long cleaving, or holding fast, (K, TA,) notwithstanding difficulty: (TA:) and vehement striving for the mastery in war or fight; as also مُكَاظَّةٌ: (S, K:) and the latter, [or both,] (assumed tropical:) the exceeding the ordinary bounds in enmity; as also ↓ تَكَاظٌّ. (TA.) You say, بَيْنَهْمْ كِظَاظٌ (assumed tropical:) [Between them is vehement striving for the mastery in fight]. (S.) And it is said in a prov., لَيْسَ أَخُو الكِظَاظِ مَنْ يَسْأَمُهُ (assumed tropical:) [He who is fitted for vehement striving for the mastery is not he who turns away from it with disgust]: meaning كَاظِّهِمْ مَا كَاظُّوكَ (assumed tropical:) [Strive thou vehemently for the mastery with them as long as they so strive with thee]; i. e. do not thou turn away from them with disgust unless they so turn away from thee. (TA.) [Meyd relates it thus: أَخُو الكِظَاظِ مَنْ لَا يَسْأَمُهُ (assumed tropical:) He who is fitted for vehement striving for the mastery is he who does not turn away from it with disgust.] You say also, القَوْمُ ↓ تَكَاظَّ (assumed tropical:) The people, or company of men, exceeded the ordinary bounds in enmity. (S.) See also كِظَاظٌ below.6 تَكَاْظَّ see 3, in three places.8 اكتظّ He became filled by food so that he could not breathe, (K,) and in like manner by drink. (TA.) It is also said of the belly. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) It (a water-course) became straitened by the abundance of its flow of water; (S;) as also ↓ كَظَّ, [aor., accord. to general rule, كَظِّ;] (TA;) and so اكتظّ بِالمَآءِ: (K:) and اكتظّ بِثَجِيجِ المَآءِ (tropical:) it (a valley) became filled by the rain and torrent. (TA.) [See also R. Q. 1 and 2.] b3: اكتظّ القَوْمُ فِى المَسْجِدِ (assumed tropical:) The people straitened, or crowded, one another in the mosque. (TA.) b4: اكتظّهُ الغَيْظُ: see 1.

R. Q. 1 كَظْكَظَ, inf. n. كَظْكَظَةٌ, It (a skin for water or milk) stretched when being filled: (Lth, K:) was seen to become even [more and more] as often as water was poured into it. (O, K.) [See also 8, and R. Q. 2.] R. Q. 2 تَكَظْكَظَ He erected himself, sitting, as often as he filled his belly, (Lth, K,) becoming filled so that he could not breathe, (K,) after being seen to be in a bending posture, (Lth,) while eating. (K.) b2: It (a skin for water or milk) became filled, or full. (TA.) [See also 8, and R. Q. 1.]

كَظُّ [originally an inf. n. b2: Used as a simple subst.,] (tropical:) Grief, or disquietude, or anxiety, that fills the bosom: so in the saying of 'Omar Ibn-'Abd-el-'Azeez, in speaking of death, وَكَظٌّ لَيْسَ كَالْكَظِّ, meaning And grief, &c., that is not like other grief, &c., but more vehement. (TA.) [See also غَنْظٌ.]

A2: It is also used as an epithet: you say رَجُلٌ كَظٌّ (tropical:) A man whom affairs oppress, or distress, and overcome, so that he is unable to perform them. (Ibn-'Abbád, K. *) b2: And رَجُلٌ لَظٌّ كَظٌّ (assumed tropical:) A man, hard, or difficult, in disposition. (S, L: in some copies of the former, كَظٌّ لَظٌّ.) ISd thinks that كظّ is here an imitative sequent. (TA in art. لظ, q. v.) كِظَّةٌ Repletion, or the state of being much filled, with food or drink: (M, Mgh, * K:) and a thing that befalls (S, A, K) a man, (S,) or an animal, (A,) in consequence of impletion [or repletion] with food: (S, A, K:) pl. أَكِظَّةٌ. (TA.) Hence the trad. of En-Nakha'ee, الأَكِظَّةُ عَلَى الأَكِظَّةِ مَسْمَنَةٌ مَكْسَلَةٌ مَسْقَمَةٌ [Repletions upon repletions are causes of fattening, rendering heavy or lazy, diseasing]. (TA.) كِظَاظٌ: see 3, of which it is an inf. n. b2: Also, (assumed tropical:) Difficulty, or distress, and fatigue, (K, TA,) in an affair, such as takes away the breath. (TA.) And (assumed tropical:) Grief, or disquietude, or anxiety, occasioned by war, filling the heart. (L.) كَظِيظٌ A man replete with food. (Mgh.) b2: A skin for water or milk filled so as to be made to stretch; as also ↓ مَكْظُوظٌ. (TA.) b3: (tropical:) A man oppressed, or distressed [and overcome, (see كَظٌّ,)] by affairs, so as to be unable to perform them; as also ↓ مَكْظُوظٌ and ↓ مُكَظَّظٌ: (K:) or all these signify (tropical:) grieved, and full of heaviness. (TA.) b4: (assumed tropical:) Angry, or enraged, in the most vehement degree. (TA.) A2: A state of fulness, or impletion. (TA.) b2: (assumed tropical:) A mutual straitening, or crowding together. (TA.) You say, عَلَى

بَابِ فُلَانٍ كَظِيظٌ (tropical:) At the door of such a one is a crowding together. (Har, p. 341.) هٰذَا الطَّعَامُ مَكَظَّةٌ This food is a cause of indigestion, and heaviness of the stomach. (TA.) مُكَظَّظٌ: see كَظِيظٌ; the latter in two places.

مَكْظُوظٌ: see كَظِيظٌ; the latter in two places.
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