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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4015. مخج6 4016. مخر13 4017. مخض15 4018. مخط14 4019. مد4 4020. مدح154021. مدر17 4022. مدن15 4023. مده6 4024. مدى7 4025. مذ3 4026. مذح9 4027. مذر15 4028. مذق14 4029. مذقر8 4030. مذى6 4031. مر5 4032. مرأ13 4033. مرت13 4034. مرث12 4035. مرج18 4036. مرح17 4037. مرخ14 4038. مرد17 4039. مردقش4 4040. مرز10 4041. مرزجش5 4042. مرس18 4043. مرض23 4044. مرط17 4045. مرطرط1 4046. مرع14 4047. مرغ16 4048. مرن18 4049. مرى5 4050. مز4 4051. مزج17 4052. مزح15 4053. مزد7 4054. مزر15 4055. مزق16 4056. مزن16 4057. مزو3 4058. مس4 4059. مسأ9 4060. مستوتى1 4061. مسح22 4062. مسخ16 4063. مسد15 4064. مسك19 4065. مسل9 4066. مسى5 4067. مش5 4068. مشت3 4069. مشج15 4070. مشط15 4071. مشل6 4072. مشن8 4073. مشى4 4074. مص4 4075. مصت6 4076. مصح11 4077. مصخ8 4078. مصد9 4079. مصر19 4080. مصع14 4081. مصل12 4082. مض4 4083. مضح8 4084. مضر12 4085. مضرح3 4086. مضغ18 4087. مضف1 4088. مضى8 4089. مط4 4090. مطأ4 4091. مطث1 4092. مطر16 4093. مطق9 4094. مطل16 4095. مطى3 4096. مظ3 4097. مع6 4098. معت5 4099. معج11 4100. معد15 4101. معر13 4102. معز16 4103. معس10 4104. معص10 4105. معط15 4106. معق8 4107. معك15 4108. معل9 4109. معن18 4110. معى5 4111. مغث13 4112. مغج5 4113. مغد9 4114. مغر14 Prev. 100




1 مَدَحَهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـَ (K,) inf. n. مَدْحٌ (S, K) and مِدْحَةٌ, (K,) as some say, but correctly this latter is a simple subst.; (TA;) and ↓ امتدحهُ; (S, K;) and ↓ مدّحهُ, (K,) inf. n. تَمْدِيح; (TA;) [but this, and that next preceding it, have an intensive signification, as is shown by the explanation of their pass. part. ns., which see below;] and ↓ تمدّحهُ; (K:) [which seems to imply some degree of effort in the agent;] He praised, eulogized, or commended, him; spoke well of him; mentioned him with approbation: (S, K:) or he described him as characterized by goodliness, beauty, or elegance; opposite of ذَمَّهُ: and he enumerated his generous qualities or actions; opposite of هَجَاهُ: (MF:) or he praised him for his goodly qualities, whether natural or depending upon his own will; and hence it is of more common application than حَمَدَهُ: accord. to El-Khateeb El-Tebreezee, it is from the phrase تَمَدَّحَتِ الأَرْضُ “ the land became ample, or spacious; ” whence it would seem to signify he amplified his phrase: accord. to Kh, مَدَحَهُ relates to an absent person; and مَدَهَهُ, to one who is present: and accord. to EsSarakustee, مَدْهٌ is descriptive of the state, or condition, and external appearance or form; and of nothing beside. (Msb.) 2 مَدَّحَ see 1.3 مادحهُ He praised, eulogized, or commended, him reciprocally. (A.) 5 تمدّح He affected (تَكَلَّفَ) to be praised, eulogized, or commended; endeavoured, or constrained himself, to gain praise, eulogy, or commendation. (S, K.) هُوَ يَتَمَدَّحُ إِلَى النَّاسِ He seeks to gain the praise, eulogy, or commendation, of people. (A.) b2: He praised, eulogized, or commended, himself. (TA.) b3: He gloried: he boasted of abundance which he did not possess. (K.) b4: العَرَبُ تَتَمَدَّحُ بِالسَّخَآءِ [The Arabs glory in liberality, bounty, munificence, or generosity]. (A.) b5: See 1. b6: تَمَدَّحَتِ الخَاصِرَةُ, (S, K,) and ↓ امتدحت, and ↓ إِمَّدَحَت [originally إِنْمدَحَت], (K,) The hypochondre, or flank, became distended, expanded, or dilated, (S, K,) by reason of satiety; like تندّحت: occurring in this sense in a verse of Er-Rá'ee, as some relate it; as others relate it, it is تمذّحت. (S.) b7: بَطْنُهُ ↓ امدحّ His belly became wide, or distended; a dial. form of اندحّ. (S.) This, says F, is a mistake; but it is no mistake; and he has perverted the words of J, which are confirmed by Sgh and the author of the L and many others. (MF.) b8: Also تمدّحت الأَرْضُ, and امتدحت, and ↓ امّدحت (K) and ↓ انمدحت, (TA,) The land became ample, or spacious. (K.) The first and second are formed by substitution of م for ن from تندحت and انتدّحت. (L.) 6 تمادحوا They praised, eulogized, or commended, one another. (A.) التَّمَادُحُ التَّذَابُحُ Praising one another is slaughtering one another. (S, art. ذبح, A.) 7 إِنْمَدَحَ 8, and 9. See 5 and 1.

مِدْحَةٌ and ↓ مَدِيحٌ and ↓ أُمْدُوحَةٌ (S, K,) Praise; eulogy; commendation: (S:) that with which one is praised, eulogized, or commended; (K;) meaning poetry, or verse, with which one is praised, eulogized, or commended: (TA:) pl. of the first, مِدَحٌ; (A;) of the second, مَدَائِحُ; and of the third, أَمَادِيحُ. (K, A.) مَدِيحٌ: see مِدْحَةٌ.

مَدَّاحٌ [One who praises, &c., much, or often; a habitual praiser, &c.] (TA in art. حثو; &c. See an ex. voce حَثَا.) مَادِحٌ Praising, eulogizing, or commending; or a praiser, eulogizer, or commender: pl. مَدَّحٌ. (TA.) مَمَادِحُ Praiseworthy, commendable, or good, qualities or dispositions, &c.; contr of مَقَابِحُ. (L, art. قبح.) أُمْدُوحَةٌ: see مِدْحَةٌ.

مُمَدَّحٌ A man much, or greatly praised; (S, K;) as also ↓ مُمْتَدَحٌ: (TA:) praised by every tongue. (A.) مُمْتَدَحٌ: see مُمَدَّحٌ.
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