Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
4009. محض14 4010. محق19 4011. محل16 4012. محن19 4013. محو13 4014. مخ34015. مخج6 4016. مخر13 4017. مخض15 4018. مخط14 4019. مد4 4020. مدح15 4021. مدر17 4022. مدن15 4023. مده6 4024. مدى7 4025. مذ3 4026. مذح9 4027. مذر15 4028. مذق14 4029. مذقر8 4030. مذى6 4031. مر5 4032. مرأ13 4033. مرت13 4034. مرث12 4035. مرج18 4036. مرح17 4037. مرخ14 4038. مرد17 4039. مردقش4 4040. مرز10 4041. مرزجش5 4042. مرس18 4043. مرض23 4044. مرط17 4045. مرطرط1 4046. مرع14 4047. مرغ16 4048. مرن18 4049. مرى5 4050. مز4 4051. مزج17 4052. مزح15 4053. مزد7 4054. مزر15 4055. مزق16 4056. مزن16 4057. مزو3 4058. مس4 4059. مسأ9 4060. مستوتى1 4061. مسح22 4062. مسخ16 4063. مسد15 4064. مسك19 4065. مسل9 4066. مسى5 4067. مش5 4068. مشت3 4069. مشج15 4070. مشط15 4071. مشل6 4072. مشن8 4073. مشى4 4074. مص4 4075. مصت6 4076. مصح11 4077. مصخ8 4078. مصد9 4079. مصر19 4080. مصع14 4081. مصل12 4082. مض4 4083. مضح8 4084. مضر12 4085. مضرح3 4086. مضغ18 4087. مضف1 4088. مضى8 4089. مط4 4090. مطأ4 4091. مطث1 4092. مطر16 4093. مطق9 4094. مطل16 4095. مطى3 4096. مظ3 4097. مع6 4098. معت5 4099. معج11 4100. معد15 4101. معر13 4102. معز16 4103. معس10 4104. معص10 4105. معط15 4106. معق8 4107. معك15 4108. معل9 Prev. 100



مخّخ العَظْمَ, (K,) and ↓ تمخّخهُ and ↓ امتخّهُ (S, K) and ↓ مَخْمَخَهُ, (K,) He extracted the marrow from the bone. (S, K.)

4 امخّ It (a bone) was, or became, marrowy; had, or contained, marrow in it. (S, K.)

b2: It (a camel, S, L, and a sheep or goat, L, K)

became fat: (S, L, K:) or became in the first stage of fatness; or in the last stage when becoming lean. (L.)

b3: امخّ (tropical:) It (a branch, or twig,) became sappy, and succulent. (L, K.)

b4: (tropical:) It (standing corn, K, or its grain, L)

became supplied with the farinaceous substance. (L, K.)

5 تَمَخَّّ see 1.

8 إِمْتَخَ3َ see 1.

R. Q. 1 see 1.

مَخٌّ i. q. لِينٌ Softness, &c.: or لَيْنٌ soft, &c. (So in different copies of the K.)

مُخٌّ The marrow (نِقْى, in the CK نَقِىّ,) of a bone; (K;) that which is in a bone; (S;) the substance which is extracted from a bone; (IDrd;) the greasy or oily substance which is in a bone: (Msb:) pl. مِخَخَةٌ (S, K) and مِخَاخٌ. (K.)

b2: [Any kind of pulp.]

b3: ↓ مُخَّةٌ is a more special term than مُخٌّ, (S,) signifying

A portion, or piece, of marrow. (L.)

b4: شَرٌّ مَّا يُجِيُؤكَ إِلَى مُخَّةِ عُرْقُوبٍ [It is an evil thing that compelleth thee to have recourse to the marrow of a hock]. A proverb. (S.) [See art. عرقب.]

b5: مُخٌّ also signifies (sometimes, S,) (assumed tropical:) The brain. (S, K.)

b6: Also, The bulb (lit. fat, شَحْمَة,) of the eye. (A, K.) Mostly

used in this sense in poetry. (TA.)

b7: Also, (tropical:) Good, profit, or advantage. Ex. لَا أَرَى

لِأَمْرِكَ مُخًّا I see no good, or profit, or advantage, [pertaining] to thy affair. (A.)

b8: Also, (tropical:) The purest, choicest, best, or most excellent, part of anything: (S, A, L, K:) and ↓ مُخَّةٌ (A, L) and ↓ مُخَاخَةٌ. (TA.) Ex. هٰؤُلَآءُ

مُخُّ القَوْمِ, and ↓ مُخَّتُهُمْ, (tropical:) These are the best of the people. (A.) And الدُّعَآءُ مُخُّ العِبَادَةِ (tropical:) Supplication is the purest, or best, part of religious worship, or devotion. (L, from a trad.) and هٰذَا مِنْ مُخِّ قَلْبِى, and ↓ مُخَّتِهِ, (tropical:) This [proceeds]

from the purest, or best, [affections] of my heart. (L.)

مُخَّةٌ: see مُخٌّ.

مَخِيخٌ A bone containing marrow. (K.)

b2: مَخِيخَةٌ A ewe, (L, K,) and a she-camel, (L,) having marrow in her bones. (L, K.)

b3: Also, the latter, (tropical:) An excellent she-camel: (TA:) pl. مَخَائِخُ. (K.)

مُخَاخَةٌ What one sucks from a bone; (L;)

what comes forth from a bone into the mouth of him who sucks it. (K.)

b2: See مُخٌّ.

مُمِخٌّ act. part. n. of أَمَخَّ.

b2: بَيْنَ المُمِخَّةِ

والعَجْفَآءِ [Between the fat she-camel or ewe, and the lean]. A proverb. (S, A, L.) Said of a thing which is of a middling sort. (A.)

b3: لِسَانٌ مُمِخٌّ A sharp, or ready, tongue, powerful to speak: and a tongue that intercedes well. (A.)

أَمْرٌ مُمِخٌّ (A, L, K) and ↓ مُمَخِّخٌ, (A,) A thing, or an affair, in which is excellence, and good: (A:) or, that benefits; syn. طَائِلٌ: (L:) but accord. to the K, long; syn. طَوِيلٌ. (TA.)

مُمَخِّخٌ: see مُمِخٌّ.
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