Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
3944. لهلأ4 3945. لهم12 3946. لهو11 3947. لو9 3948. لوأ4 3949. لوب163950. لوت6 3951. لوث17 3952. لوج7 3953. لوح19 3954. لوذ14 3955. لوز12 3956. لوش4 3957. لوص15 3958. لوط17 3959. لوع13 3960. لوف10 3961. لوق13 3962. لوك14 3963. لوم20 3964. لون18 3965. لوى12 3966. ليأ5 3967. ليب4 3968. ليت15 3969. ليث12 3970. ليس17 3971. ليط13 3972. ليغ8 3973. ليف13 3974. ليق14 3975. ليك3 3976. ليل16 3977. لين18 3978. ليه8 3979. م7 3980. مأ1 3981. مأج5 3982. مأد5 3983. مأق10 3984. مأن13 3985. مأه1 3986. مأى6 3987. مت4 3988. متأ6 3989. متح14 3990. متع19 3991. متن19 3992. متى8 3993. مث5 3994. مثل23 3995. مج5 3996. مجح8 3997. مجد16 3998. مجر16 3999. مجس16 4000. مجل11 4001. مجم1 4002. مجن15 4003. مجنق5 4004. مح4 4005. محت8 4006. محث4 4007. محر5 4008. محص17 4009. محض14 4010. محق19 4011. محل16 4012. محن19 4013. محو13 4014. مخ3 4015. مخج6 4016. مخر13 4017. مخض15 4018. مخط14 4019. مد4 4020. مدح15 4021. مدر17 4022. مدن15 4023. مده6 4024. مدى7 4025. مذ3 4026. مذح9 4027. مذر15 4028. مذق14 4029. مذقر8 4030. مذى6 4031. مر5 4032. مرأ13 4033. مرت13 4034. مرث12 4035. مرج18 4036. مرح17 4037. مرخ14 4038. مرد17 4039. مردقش4 4040. مرز10 4041. مرزجش5 4042. مرس18 4043. مرض23 Prev. 100




1 لَابَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. لَوْبٌ and لُوبٌ and لُؤُوبٌ and لُوَابٌ (S, K) and لُؤَابٌ (K) and لَوَبَانٌ (K, accord. to the TA) or لُوبَانٌ (S, CK) He thirsted; was thirsty; (S, K;) or he, thirsting, went round about the water, not reaching it: (K:) or he went round about the water, by reason of thirst. (ISk.) b2: لَوْبٌ signifies The camels' going round about the tank, or cistern, and not being able to get at the water, on account of the crowding, or pressing. (As, K.) 2 لوّبهُ He mixed it with the perfume called مَلَاب: or he smeared it therewith. (K.) 4 الاب His camels were thirsty: (K:) his camels went round about the water, by reason of thirst. (TA.) لُوبٌ and ↓ لَوَائِبُ Camels, or palm-trees, thirsty; far from water. (K.) You say, تَرَكْتُهَا عَلَى الحَوْضِ ↓ لَوَائِبَ I left them (the camels) going round about the tank, or cistern, unable to get at the water, on account of the crowding, or pressing. (As, S.) [لوائب is pl. of لَائِبَةٌ.]

b2: لُوبٌ A piece of meat that turns round in the cooking-pot. (K.) A2: لُوبٌ Bees: (K:) accord. to some, originally نُوبٌ. (MF.) In some copies of the K, نخل is erroneously put for نحل. (TA.) لَابَةٌ (tropical:) A number of black camels collected together: (K:) likened to the tract so called, covered with black stones. (TA.) [See مَفْتُونَةٌ.]

b2: See لُوبَةٌ.

لُوبَةٌ and ↓ لَابَةٌ A stony tract, of which the stones are black and worn: syn. حَرَّةٌ: (S, K:) لُوبَةٌ and نُوبَةٌ signify a tract of land covered, or strewed, with black stones; and hence a negro is called لُوبِىٌّ and نُوبِىٌّ, [and negroes collectively are called لُوبَةٌ and نُوبَةٌ: the former, however, are evidently the Lybians, the latter, the Nubians:] (A 'Obeyd, S or, as in the TA, A 'Obeydeh:) or a لوبة is a very black, rugged, lengthened tract of ground, only at, or by, [so فِى

seems here to signify] the projecting part of a mountain, or the lower and thinner, or finer, part of a sand-hill, or the foot (عرض) of a mountain: (Az:) or it may be a difficult ascent, or acclivity, up a mountain, rising to the greatest height: (ISh:) pl. of لوبة and لُوبٌ لابة and لَابٌ (S, K) and لَابَاتٌ: (S:) or لُوبٌ is pl. of لابة: [not, as implied above, of لوبة:] (Sb:) for a number from three to ten, the pl. used is لابات; and more than then are termed لاب and لوب: (TA:) [or these last two words are coll. gen. ns., of which لابة and لوبة are the ns. un.] b2: مَا بَيْنَ لَابَتَيْهَا مِثْلُ فُلَانٍ [Between its two tracts of black stones, there is not the like of such a one: i. e., within its (the city's) limits, there is not, &c.]: only said with reference to El-Medeeneh and El-Koofeh: (RA:) or said originally with reference to El-Medeeneh, and fig. with reference to any other city. (A.) b3: بَعِيدُ مَا بَيْنَ اللَّابَتَيْنِ, said by 'Áïsheh, describing her father, (tropical:) Freehearted; of ample endowments, app. as to wealth, or possessions, and as to mind, or disposition: syn. وَاسِعُ الصَّدْرِ وَاسِعُ العَطَنِ. (TA.) b4: لُوبَةٌ A people that is with another people, but of which advice or counsel is not asked [by the latter] with respect to anything, (K,) whether good or evil. (TA.) أَسْوَدُ لُوبِىٌّ (and نُوبِىٌّ, TA,) [Very black]: derived from لُوبَةٌ, as signifying “ a tract covered, or strewed, with black stones ”: (K:) or from اللُّوبُ as a syn. of النُّوبُ, meaning [“ the Nubians,” but see above] “ a certain race, or nation, of the negroes. ” (RA.) b2: لُوبىٌّ: see لُوبَةٌ.

لُوَابٌ i. q. لُعَابٌ; Slaver, or drivel: (K:) a chaste word, not formed by mispronunciation. (TA.) لُوبِيَآءُ (K) and لُوبِيَا and لُوبِيَاجٌ (TA) and لُوبَآءُ (K) [The dolichos lubia of Forskål; a species of kidney-bean]. Accord. to El-Khafájee and ElJawáleekee, not an Arabic word. (TA.) [In Persian, لُوبِيَا and لُوبِيَهْ and لُوبَا: in Greek, λόβος.]

لَائِبٌ Thirsting: [but see the verb:] pl. لُؤُوبٌ: like as شُهُودٌ is pl. of شَاهِدٌ. (S.) b2: لَائِبَةٌ: see لُوبٌ.

مَلَابٌ a Persian word, (TA,) A kind of perfume, (S, K,) like خَلُوق (S): or saffron. (IAar, K.) b2: مَلَابَةٌ A fascicle, or small bundle, of filaments of saffron; a shive of saffron. (IAar).

مُلِيبٌ A man whose camels are thirsty; or whose camels are going round about the water, by reason of thirst. (TA.) مُلَوَّبٌ A thing mixed with the perfume called مَلَاب: (TA:) a thing smeared therewith. (S.) b2: مُلَوَّبْ Twisted iron. (K.) Applied as an epithet to a coat of mail. (TA.)
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